Friday, November 7, 2008


Because of the present economic crisis, fraud has been on a record high this year. Last year alone 4 million Americans were scammed of $3 billion and this year it’s been suspected that another 100 million Americans will be getting these fraudulent emails. Do not think that this can’t happen to you because it happened to the president of France and so anyone can be a victim, so here are some of the ways to know when you get these emails or phone calls.

1. Avoid emails from your bank asking you to verify your information; do understand that no reputable bank will ask you for your personal information via email.

2. Some of the keywords used mostly by these fraudsters are “Update”, “Verify” and “Confirm”.

3. Some of those emails will read that your mortgage has just been bought by a new company and so they need you to verify your information or your bank has been bought and there has been a security breach and so they need you to verify your identity.

4. Make sure you have good Anti-Virus software; also browsers like Firefox restrict you from clicking on bogus websites.

5. Make sure you check your credit report at least more than once a year; because of the nature of this problem even the Government entitles everyone to one credit report a year.

6. If you notice that your information has been infiltrated, report immediately to the 3 credit bureaus, Experian, Trans-Union and Equifax; call your bank(s), credit cards and then report to your local police as well because it’s a crime.

Hope you find these helpful and may we all weather the present storm of economic crisis and not fall victim to fraud.
Richard Watchman.


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